About me
Emil Adiels, Licentiate in Engineering, M.Sc.Eng., M.Sc., B.Sc.
I am PhD student at Chalmers University of Technology in the Architecture and Engineering Research Group. My work is mainly in the field of geometry with applications on masonry shells and timber gridshells.
My education is in Architecture and Engineering with a master in Structural engineering and building technology.
I am teaching in different courses with students in both Architecture and Engineering and Architecture.
Research contribution:
Conference proceedings.
Adiels, E., Williams, C. J. K. (2021)
The construction of new masonry bridges inspired by Paul Séjourné
.IASS Annual Symposium and Spatial Structures Conference: Inspiring the Next Generation, Guildford, Surrey.
Adiels, E., Brandt-Olsen, C., Isaksson, J., Näslund, I., Olsson, K.-G., Poulsen, E., & Williams, C. J. K. (2019). The design , fabrication and assembly of an asymptotic timber gridshell. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 - Structural Membranes 2019, October, 1–8.
Adiels, E., Ander, M., Hörteborn, E., Olsson, J., Olsson, K.-G., Sehlström, A., Shepherd, P., & Williams, C. J. K. (2018). The use of virtual work for the formfinding of fabric, shell and gridshell structures. Proceedings of the Advances in Architectural Geometry Conference 2018, 286–315.
Adiels, E., Bencini, N., Brandt-Olsen, C., Fisher, A., Näslund, I., Otani, R. K., Poulsen, E., Safari, P., & Williams, C. J. K. (2018). Design , fabrication and assembly of a geodesic gridshell in a student workshop. IASS Symposium 2018 “Creativity in Structural Design,” 1–8.
Adiels, E., Ander, M., & Williams, C. J. K. (2017). Brick patterns on shells using geodesic coordinates. IASS Annual Symposium 2017 “Interfaces: Architecture.Engineering.Science,” September, 1–10.
Licentiate thesis
Adiels, E. (2021) Geometry linking the art of building and the Universe: Geometric patterns on shells and grid shells. Chalmers University of Technology.
M.Sc Thesis
Adiels, E. (2016). Structural influence of the geometry of masonry vaults Brick tiling patterns for compression shells using geodesic coordinates. Chalmers University of Technology.
"Architectural geometry", 2021
Cambridge University - Part IIA: Project GD2 Structural modelling
I was lucky to be invited by Allan McRobie to give a lecture in his course Part IIA: Project GD2 Structural modelling at Cambridge University. Allan wanted me to talk about architectural geometry and some of the workshops I have been part of organizing at Chalmers University of Technology.
Link: https://youtu.be/lybmJGUwR8s
"The geometry and structural action of vaults and shells", 2023
Innsbruck University Lecture Series “Lightweight Structures and Architecture”
I was invited to talk about my research by Prof. Günther Filz at Innsbruck University in the Lecture series "Lightweight Structures and Architecture”.
2020-2021 Att undersöka arkitektur,
Role: course leader.
The course was for second-year architecture students at the bachelor level. The purpose of the course was to use different digital tools for exploration. 4.5 ECTS Chalmers University of Technology
2020-2021 Optimised structures
Role: tutor.
The course was for third-year students in the Architecture and Engineering program. The project was to design an observatory to observe and visualise a specific phenomenon of choice. 4.5 ECTS Chalmers University of Technology
2020 Spring term, Matter Space Structure.
Course leader, a master studio in architecture, 22.5 ECTS , Chalmers University of Technology
2017 -, Digital Tools - Parametric Design.
Course leader, mandatory introductory course in parametric design and digital fabrication for Architecture and Engineering students, 3 ECTS, Chalmers University of Technology
2016 -, Virtual Tools in a Material Culture.
Course leader, an optional course in computational design, 4.5 ECTS, Chalmers University of Technology
2016, Finite element method, MHA021.
Tutor during computer labs.
Asymptotic gridshell 2.0, December, 2019
Performed in the course Digital tools - Parametric Design. During two days students built a timber pavilion on the concept of asympotic gridshells, designed by the workshop leaders. The design was a further development of the 2018 years’ design. The workshop was a collaboration between Chalmers, Buro Happold and Cramo. Organisers: Emil Adiels, Johanna Isaksson, Habiba Moubarak, Isak Näslund and Chris Williams.
Weaving and Architecture, April, 2019
The workshop was performed in the course Virtual tools in a material culture. The aim was to explore the geometrical, structural and architectural properties of basket weaving through physical and digital models. The workshop was organised together with Alison Martin, Isak Näslund, Robin Oval, Emil Poulsen and Chris Williams.
Asymptotic gridshell, December, 2018
Performed in the course Digital tools - Parametric Design. During two days students built a timber pavilion designed by the workshop leaders. The workshop was a collaboration between Chalmers, Buro Happold, BIG, Thornton Tomasetti and Cramo. Organisers: Emil Adiels, Cecilie Brandt-Olsen, Johanna Isaksson, Isak Näslund, Emil Poulsen and Chris Williams.
Minimal surfaces and fabric structures, May, 2018.
The workshop was performed in the course Virtual tools in a material culture. Through lectures, physical experiments and digital tools the students examined the geometrical link between minimal surfaces, soap films and pretensioned textile structures. The workshop was done in collaboration with Buro Happold Engineering. Organisers: Emil Adiels, Tim Finlay, Puria Hesari, Isak Näslund & Chris J K Williams
Geodesic gridshell, December, 2017
Performed in the course Digital tools - Parametric Design. During two days students built a timber pavilion on the concept of geodesic gridshells, designed by the workshop leaders. The workshop was a collaboration between Chalmers, BIG Architects, Buro Happold, Thornton Tomasetti and Cramo. Organisers:Emil Adiels, Cecilie Brandt-Olsen, Johanna Isaksson, Isak Näslund, Emil Poulsen and Chris Williams.
Exploring crafts and structural behaviour of masonry, Mariestad, August, 2017
This five day workshop, organized as part of the course “Murverk- material, konstruktion, hantverk”, a joint collaboration between Föreningen tungt, murat och putsat byggande, Lund University and Chalmers. The participants were students at the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers. The workshop was the result from an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Architecture and Engineering Research Group, Chalmers, and the Department of Conservation at Gothenburg University examining the crafts, production techniques and structural properties of brick structures. The students got the opportunity to work with bricks and masonry from different perspectives, making arches, vaults and wall segments.
Organisers: Emil Adiels & Anders Göransson.
Tensegrity and cable-stay structures, April, 2017
The workshop was performed in the course Virtual tools in a material culture. The students got to learn how to model, analyse and make drawings to build tensegrity structures. They further developed their scripts into stadium roof designs. The workshop was done in collaboration with Buro Happold Engineering. Organisers: Emil Adiels, Al Fisher, Puria Hesari, Isak Näslund & Chris J K Williams. https://vimeo.com/244539648
Smart Geometry 2016, workshop and conference, Gothenburg.
Role: Local codirector for the workshop. The link between Chalmers and the Smart Geometry Directors.
Coordinator of human and physical resources during the Smartgeometry workshop together with Emil Poulsen. The workshop gathers approximately 150 participants, in ten different teams, that explores digital architecture through full-scale prototypes. Our work was to ensure that all practical and local preparations were organised through a student based organisation committee.